by admin | Sep 23, 2013 | Aggressive Dog Training, Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm)
I’ve been working with Kao for a while now, he’s here for our Boot Camp program due to some more serious issues like dog aggression. I’m starting to really like this goofy guy. Took some quick pictures on our latest evening training session,...
by admin | Sep 22, 2013 | Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm)
Cruiser graduated from training today. His owners were able for the first time ever to walk him off leash, have him come when they called, do 30+ feet distance stays, etc. They were blown away with his progress! All thanks to our awesome etouch dog training program!...
by admin | Sep 20, 2013 | Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm)
Lenny and his owner are working on his off leash heel with other dogs as a distraction. When we first started working with Lenny he was uncontrollable around other dogs. Now he is off leash reliable around them, all thanks to the E-Collar. We can get your dog to this...
by admin | Sep 19, 2013 | Board & Train
Declan is here for our Fully Trained Puppy program. Practicing the “Place” exercise can be mentally exhausting, he fell asleep in this pretty hilarious position.
by admin | Sep 19, 2013 | Aggressive Dog Training, Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm)
Kao is here for our Boot Camp program. Today we had some of our regular sessions on leash, as well as another quick off leash session. He still gets a bit distracted, but I’m very impressed with how he did for how early in the training he is. ...