Cooper Practicing Place

Cooper Practicing Place

Cooper is a 3 and a half month old border collie here for day training. He’s practicing some stay/place work with dog distractions and hasn’t budged in ten minutes! How long can your puppy stay in one place?  


Mollie is a sweet and super cute border collie that is here for our 4 day speedy camp program. She’s here to work on manners, pulling on leash, socialization towards other dogs, and obedience. We’ve already introduced her to the Halti, and she picked it up...


Meet Stella, our newest fully trained puppy camp attendee! She is a super cute Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier puppy that just needs to touch up on minor manners, master her on and off leash obedience, and brush up on her social skills. Keep checking in on her progress!...