by admin | Sep 27, 2013 | Aggressive Dog Training, Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm), Pack to Basics/Socialization
Kao is going through our Boot Camp program, mainly for dog aggression. This is a quick video of him off leash and off muzzle in our Pack to Basics ™ Socialization Class. If you have a dog with similar behavior issues, this is a benefit of training with us or...
by admin | Sep 27, 2013 | Aggressive Dog Training, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Pack to Basics/Socialization
Autumn is dog aggressive, she can become very nervous around other dogs and has snapped at multiple dogs in the past, including her family’s other dog at home. This is a quick video of her first time off leash in our Pack to Basics ™ Socialization Class....
by admin | Sep 26, 2013 | Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Leash Work
Rishi left last week after going through our Speedy Camp program. She has gotten a great start with walking on leash without pulling (one of her main problems), as well as basic obedience. This is one of our last training sessions with her, practicing on leash...
by admin | Sep 26, 2013 | Aggressive Dog Training, Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, Leash Work
“What mean I have to stay in ONE place…without leaving? Are you crazy?!” Kao is learning the “place”command, and it’s a tough one for him.
by admin | Sep 23, 2013 | Aggressive Dog Training, Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm)
I’ve been working with Kao for a while now, he’s here for our Boot Camp program due to some more serious issues like dog aggression. I’m starting to really like this goofy guy. Took some quick pictures on our latest evening training session,...
by admin | Sep 22, 2013 | Board & Train, Dog Behavior, Dog Training, E-Touch (tm)
Cruiser graduated from training today. His owners were able for the first time ever to walk him off leash, have him come when they called, do 30+ feet distance stays, etc. They were blown away with his progress! All thanks to our awesome etouch dog training program!...